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Thursday, July 15, 2010

The Journey Has Begun

We are sitting in the Philadelphia airport waiting for leg two of our trip to Scotland. Leg one went well -- which means everyone was on the flight and no one needed to use their air sickness bag. It's the little victories.

For everyone who is following us on the blog, we wanted to share our prayer needs and foci (yea, I took Latin in high school).

Dear Friends & Family,
Thank you for your faithfulness to pray for our team and youth camp in Scotland! God has done a lot to prepare us and we are expectant that He has GREAT things in store!

Some things to know:
-camp begins 18 July and ends 23 July
-to see what's happening on a daily basis and throughout our trip, please visit our blog:
-we will be live streaming from Scotland (pretty cool, huh?) and we will give information on the blog as to how to access the live feed. (we are five hours ahead of Atlanta)
-Scotland has a RICH history of revival. Currently most of Scotland is very dark spiritually, but over the last 10 or so years there have been MANY words and visions about revival breaking out.
-our theme is "Awakening" and our prayer is that the youth of Scotland would be awakened and revival would come!

Ways to pray for us:
-safe travel and great favor as we move our entire team through passport control in Glasgow
-that the 28+ campers coming would encounter Jesus and grow in love for Him
-unity among our U.S. team and unity with the Scottish counselors
-protection from sickness, injury, spiritual attacks
-that the Holy Spirit would fill the camp at Lapwing Lodge
-specifically for Justin leading worship and Ernie preaching
-Kristin/Elizabeth will be teaching in the mornings
-there are lots of small group times. Please pray God would anoint our team's time with the kids -- not just during those times, but during meals, and all aspects of camp
-wisdom and revelation for everyone at camp (Ephesians 1:17)

Thank you so very much for your prayers! We truly depend on them.


  1. So excited about this week in Scotland. We have been praying and have a sense that the solid teaching is going to reap many converts and strengthen the believers! We are asking God to light a fire in that country and begin with the spark that is THIS CAMP.

    Bob and Kaye

  2. Praying praying praying! Can't wait to see the livestream. Love you guys.
